2012 was by the best year I have had in a string of not so good years. Met David, increased my family not only by 1 but 2! I feel so wonderful and I am hoping for good things to come. So with the fresh start of a New Year, we all get to make our own resolutions. Yes I have the standard loose 10 pounds, but also keep my frugal living growing. Eat healthier so on and so forth.
Well this year I'm telling myself I want more. Humanity may not be at its best right now. But what do we our-selfs have the power to do? Recycle? Plant trees? Be less wasteful? Well yes all that. It will, however, take years to do see any results from our actions of today. So I am making a point this year to do 12 Random acts of Kindness. Goal is to at least one per month. I am looking for suggestions on what I can do.
To start the year off I am going to purchase a set of Lotto Tickets and either hand them out to Strangers, or attach them to a few gas pumps in Kennewick. I may not be-able to actually help some one or even see if they find it. BUT I will know that I did try. And that sure will feel wonderful!
Sounds like a great plan! Let us know how it goes. The world can always use more goodness. =)