ok, but a 10 hour shift all alone can tend tot drive a person insane.
Which is about where i am now. Well one thing that is a perk was a
nationwide contest. Top sales reps got NFL spiffs, Well I finished 3rd
in nation to quota. So great!! right?! Well I was on guaranteed so
what ever i sold just was salt on top of the already gravy!!
Well i have been waiting about 6 months for my gift to arrive all i
knew is that it was going to be a signed piece of merchandise. I
wasn't to picky on what I got. I like football in all. But im not
obsessed. Apart of me was hoping for a jersey, not like I would be
able to wear it with out getting yelled at my well just about any one
who seen me wear a signed jersey....I would yell at me. Back to the
point at hand. This is not what i was Expecting. Its kinda better. Its
retailed between $210 and $299. on sale some places for 100.
I feel as if this is quite the prize possession. Best pick up line
ever for a sports fan...."I have a signed football by Steve Largent.
Wanna see it?" I wanted to share my excitement for it as i am really
quite excited about it... I just wanna cuddle it! <3